The plants for the Glasshouse were delayed in January so the growing season was slow to start.  Our 2023 variety has been Roterno which is very popular throughout the supermarkets in Scotland.  We supply Aldi, ASDA and Morrisons, a few local shops and the Glasgow fruit market. Over the next two months we will be busy removing all the old tomato plants and carrying out essential maintenance before we start in early 2024.

There were big changes in the dairy parlour this year, our herd are now being milked by robots.  There was a period of transition which included a few sleepless nights, but the herd are now able to enjoy the flexibility of being milked when they choose to.

We have welcomed more visitors to Standhill Farm this year which have included local groups and societies, bus tours and SRUC students.  If you would be interested in visiting Standhill, please see our website link.